Friday, July 18, 2008


By Amberly Potter

The power is out. There is nothing to do outside of the chapel doors. Away from a candle lit room, it is complete darkness. Though I’m unable to make out who is who, tiny hands find mine. The Sunday evening service ends, but everyone still lingers, not wanting to be stranded in the shadows. We all hear “click” and the lights flash on. Everyone cheers.

Finally I’m able to see all the smiling faces that longed to be close to me. A few kids ran through the doors soaked from falling rain. I look at the group of little ones surrounding me and smile. “Want to play in the rain?” I asked. We ran into the wet zone outside. We start jumping in puddles; some of the kids rolled around on the rain soaked cement slabs, while others made rain angles. I spin in circles laughing and holding hands with whoever grabs onto me. Next we ran around shouting “Jesus loves you!” as we played follow the leader to the basketball court all the way down the street where we find even bigger puddles, perfect for playing in!

It’s been three months since I was in the Marshall Islands. It was an amazing memory I will never forget. I was blessed to be chosen to spend six weeks sharing Gods love on the island of Majuro. God really stretched me, almost to my limit. Unable to communicate with many people, I did get lonely and doubt would set in. Wondering if I was making a difference in the lives around me, the Lord reminded me that he does not make mistakes. I was there for a reason. Even if I could not see results now, God was working in the lives of His children.

My last Sunday at the Laura Corps was amazing. I realized that God did use me to touch lives. As I sat in front of the chapel the corps family adorned me in their handicrafts, I could see smiling faces with eyes filled with tears. The Corps Sergeant Major stood up and thanked me for loving their children. At that moment I realized that I was used by the Lord to love His people. I hope they felt as loved as I did. But it wasn’t only my love I was able to give; it was the love of our Father. And perhaps I was able to change their lives, because they definitely changed mine.

This experience changed my life.

1 comment:

Major Chuck said...

Oh my...I'm so glad to see your blog. Brings back so many memories. If you see this and are still there tell the Silks or Katjang's that Major Fowler says hi.

I'm so glad that you are having a good time there.