Friday, July 18, 2008

Leaving Tomorrow

By Amberly Potter

Being here in Hawai'i has been an experience of a lifetime. Being with old friends and making some new ones. Touching people one life at a time. Showing God's love through my actions. This has prepared me for the next big step in my life.

Tomorrow morning on November 2nd I will be boarding an airplane by myself headed to the Marshall Islands and I will be there till the 17th of December. Besides the corps officers that I briefly met, I know no one there. I will be waay out of my comfort zone! Not being able to understand like 99% of what they are saying, but just listening. I tried to learn... way harder then I thought! But it's not really about me anymore... His plan for my life has been laid out in front of me and it's my turn to do work for His kingdom! There I will be doing many things that I've never done before! I'll be teaching English to pretty much whoever wants to learn, reading to kids after school, playing games with the kids, teaching them songs, and just being the light of Jesus Christ!

Another thing I will have to adjust to is the lack of fresh fruits and veggies... as most of you know I am a vegetarian and I am going to a place where meat is a huge staple in their diet! So keep me in your prayers, and pray I don’t starve!

Sadly I won't have my cell phone but I will have internet access! so KIT!
If any of you are interested in purchasing a rad Revolution Micronesia T-shirt to support my trip just email me! They are just $20!
My address there is
P.O. Box 1160Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960-1160

Keep in mind it takes about 2 weeks for things to get there!

Well I love and miss all you guys so much!
- Amberly

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